Radmin, A Laravel admin template Starter has been released their second version!
The second version of Radmin has been released a few days ago. It added REST API support in this version. Basically it is a admin starter kit for Laravel with a lots of advanced features like user management with roles and permission, datatable integration, smart reporting, xss protection.
The key features are-
- User Management
- Laravel Permissions — Roles & Permission Management
- Yajra Datatable — Serverside Datatable
- Editable Datatables
- Datatable export feature- Print, PDF, CSV, XLS, Copy etc
- Cache Clear
Radmin uses Themekit bootstrap 4 admin template with advanced form elements, chat wizard, charts, widgets and 30+ other glamorous plugins. The main UI features are-
- Light, Dark, Purple, Blue, Red and Orange interface
- Left side menu and Top menu dashboard design
- Right side chat list with chat wizard
- 35 + Plugins
- 3 Dashboard variations
- 2 Type of menus designed dashboard template
- 4 types of Charts [Chartlist, Knob, Flot, Amcharts]
- Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework
- Proper documentation
- Date dropper and color picker
- Themekit icons
- 2 Login Pages
- Shopping Cart
- Regular Updates
- Advance form elements
- Invoice Page
- Fullcalendar
- 150+ Widgets
- Carousel
Responsive design for all type of devices and works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smart phone devices.
Live demo: http://radmin.rakibhstu.com/
Super Admin: admin@test.com
HR: hr@test.com
Project Manager: pm@test.com
Sales Manager: sm@test.com
Password: 1234
REST API Documentation and Endpoints:
Radmin uses Laravel Passport for API development. Here is the link of documentation and Endpoints Visit https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11223504/Szmh1vqc?version=latest